Prospective students, parents and interested community members are invited to Clifton State High School.
School Tours
Come along to see what our high school has to offer!
Wednesday 30th July 2025
Half hourly from 3:30pm to 5:00pm (Limited slots available)
Clifton State High School Hall
RSVP: 23rd July 2025 by emailing
Year 6 students and their parents/carers are invited to meet teachers for 2026, see the grounds and classrooms and find out what the high school experience at Clifton State High School is all about.
Transition Day
Students, come along to immerse yourself in the high school experience for the day! (An enrolment application must be submitted to the school prior to students attending any of our Transition Days)
Wednesday 10th December 2025
9:00am to 3:00pm
Clifton State High School Hall
RSVP: 3rd December, 2025 by emailing
Come along to immerse yourself in the high school experience!
Additional Transition Days – SWD
To assist our students with additional / diverse needs transition to high school successfully, Clifton State High School holds a series of transition days in Semester 2. The aims of this program are to ease students into the rules and routines of high school gradually, to get them more familiar with their new classrooms and teachers and to help them build relationships with peers and staff, to ease transition into Year 7.
Students may choose to attend the full program (preferred), some of the days or other additional sessions as negotiated with the school. These Additional Transition Days are organised by the HESS, Mrs Sally-Anne McGrigor.
Cluster School Visits
During Terms 2, 3 and 4, Clifton SHS staff visit Year 6 Students in our local Cluster Schools.
The first visit, during Term 2 involves HOD Junior Secondary, Mrs Rebekah Turkington, visiting schools to introduce what Clifton State High School has to offer students, and gives students (and parents, if requested) an opportunity to ask questions about their local cluster High School.
The second visit, during late Term 3 / early Term 4 involves Year 7 Co-ordinators visiting cluster schools to spend 30-45 minutes getting to know the interests and capabilities of Year 6 students who plan to transition to Clifton SHS. It is often during these visits that there is a meeting with current Year 6 teachers, and support staff, to ensure that curriculum, social and emotional needs are shared to assist with a smooth transition to secondary schooling.