Clifton State High School, Achieving in every field; a school proud of its town in a town proud of its school.
Clifton State High School student enrolments are approximately 300, from Year 7 to Year 12. Our school is small enough to offer a personalised teaching and learning approach for our students with a real focus on student equity and student futures. Although small, the school offers a wide variety of opportunities for students across a broad range of subject areas, creating pathways for the future of our students. We take pride in the family atmosphere that is evident in our school community.
Clifton State High School works closely in partnership with our Cluster Schools and families in an endeavour to provide a smooth transition for students moving from Year 6 to Year 7 and, for many, their first exposure to high school. Our Junior Secondary School is committed to offering a welcoming and supportive environment, focused on learner interests and needs, where students are encouraged and challenged to excel. Our success in this transition area is evident in the increased number of families choosing to enrol their students in our school.
Our Senior School is focused on the QCE, QCIA, VET and ATAR systems and preparing students for their chosen pathway through a commitment of 'every student moving up one'. We offer a wide range of subject choices and extra curricula activities. Modern art facilities provide aspiring artists the opportunity to explore and enhance their creativity. Other areas of success include our Agricultural Operations, Instrumental Music Group and Trade Training Centre.
Clifton State High School's highly successful Vocational Pathways program offers four Certificate III, three Certificate II and one Certificate I option across many career related fields. Upgraded facilities provide students with access to our popular Hospitality certificate in an industry standard kitchen, barista and cafe area. We are extremely proud of our industry standard Equine Centre, which supports growth of our certificates in equine and agricultural related courses. A number of students participate in School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships throughout their senior years giving them a direct link to industry post schooling. Real life opportunities for local jobs from our local school.
A wide range of opportunities also exist for students outside the school gate including exposure to Toowoomba Supreme Court Sitting, Benchrest Shooting, TAFE Try-a-Trade and university visits. Our new hall will offer the community a real sense of belonging by creating a space for indoor sport activities and providing for our student needs and preferences.
Our school is small enough to offer an individualised and caring learning environment but large enough to provide maximum opportunities for every student to succeed through the school's focus on Achieving in Every Field.
Lou Oberholzer